Multi functional Chest phantom N1 “Lungman”

Home » Multi functional Chest phantom N1 “Lungman”


The ‘Lungman’ phantom is a life-size anatomical model of a human torso. The innermost components include a mediastinum, pulmonary vessels and an abdominal section, which is easily removable. This enables the user to add tumors or other defects to the phantom. A combination of different defects provides enrichment to the learning possibilities.


  • The thickness of the chest wall is based on measurements from clinical data, while the soft tissue-simulating material and the synthetic bone structures closely resemble the X-ray absorption of human tissues.
  • The phantom delivers true-to-life images that are extremely similar to actual clinical images. With the three-dimensional anatomy, both PA and lateral images may be obtained.
  • Due to the abduction position of the arms, the torso fits inside every CT scanner.
  • The pulmonary vessels are spatially positioned. Comprehensive QA of CT systems is possible with this phantom.

Optionally, extra chest plates may be added to simulate a larger body type and greater absorption.

Suitable for:

CT scanner & X-ray


Polyurethane, epoxy resin and calcium carbonate


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